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Beatrice Bruno is an Army Veteran but always and forever a Drill Sergeant. Beatrice served Active Duty in the US Army from 1977 until 1992. Her two favorite assignments were with the United States Army Europe (USAREUR) Band and Chorus as a Singer and as a Drill Sergeant for Basic Training Soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey.


Soldier/Singer, Drill Sergeant, Beautician, School Bus Driver and Truck Driver, Beatrice has run the gamut of career fields before finally settling into author, speaker, and entrepreneur.


Married for 26 years to John, Beatrice has raised four children - his, hers, and theirs - to adulthood and has relished being able to finally put the same words as her book titles – “How To Get Over Yourself, Get Out of Your Own Way, and Get What YOU Want Out of Life!” and “How To Get Over Yourself and Let Go of the P.A.S.T.” - to good use in helping her family and others do the same.


Although an ordained Gospel minister, Beatrice preaches without being preachy and teaches without being teach-ey!


Beatrice is the creator of the Writer, Thou Art Loosed! WriteCamp. As well as two motivational titles and two Christian living titles, Beatrice has authored her first fiction novel, “The Baby Chronicles” showing where we were Before we were.


Beatrice is the founder and leader of POWWOW (Prophetic, On-Watch Women of Worship/War) Prayer and Conferences, hosting Christian Women’s Conferences on a national level. Beatrice is also very active in the Veteran and Business communities in Aurora.


Beatrice now uses her Army training to help you get over your excuses and procrastination and be ALL you were called to be on the Battlefield of Life!


Beatrice is available for presentations, workshops and BootCamps. You can connect with Beatrice by email at


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