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Listening for Leadership Success: 

Creating Trust and Connection in your Organization


Trust and connection are critical elements for organizational success in the 21st Century.  The research is clear, “Mistrust doubles the cost of doing business.”  (Prof. John Whitney, Columbia Business School). “High trust teams outperform low trust teams by as much as four times.”  (Stephen M. R. Covey, The Speed of Trust™).


Bestselling author and management guru, Tom Peters, agrees, “technique and technology are important, but adding trust is the issue of the decade.”  Why?  Patricia Aburdene, in Megatrends 2010, summed it up simply, “Transcendent values like trust and integrity literally translate into revenue, profits and prosperity.”


How does one go about building trust?  One of the key leadership skills that builds trust, enhances decision-making and boosts morale is quality listening.  It sounds too simple, but listening is the secret sauce of leadership. Quality, trust-building listening sounds easy, so why are there 20,000 books on listening on Amazon? In this short, 45-minute session you will learn the three levels of listening at the heart of the secret sauce, identify which one you default to and enhance your listening skills.  You will learn – and practice – tools that you can implement Monday morning!  You will be prepared to listen like Jesus and leave your co-workers feeling valued and loved.

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