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Gender Intelligence for All

Mind the Gapâ„¢ Gender Equality Audit and Heat Map


An inclusive diverse culture is shown to achieve better business results, more engaged employees and higher innovation.  Gender diversity is especially difficult to achieve in male dominated industries such as technology, energy, oil/gas, and automotive. CEO’s in these industries are purposely setting new goals around gender parity. Not only because it’s the right thing to do, but more importantly so they can capture the financial benefits to the business. 


An inclusive culture requires competence to understand the conscious and unconscious bias in an organization. Our Mind the Gapâ„¢ Gender Equality Audit will baseline the five key areas seen as crucial to competence for an inclusive culture, and highlight via a heat map the areas most impactful for change.

  • Quantitative Data by gender, race, sexual orientation and age for the following key metric areas:

    • Business wide demographics of the business, both in total and at each level.

    • Retention of Staff

    • Succession Planning

    • Raises and Promotion Rates of Your Staff

  • Review of Performance Feedback Process

  • Hiring Practices

  • Interviews with a cross segment of population.

  • Exit interviews with recently departed females.

Mind the Gapâ„¢ Program Design and Facilitation


A mindful step-by-step approach to reengineering our psychological perceptions and responses to create change at the individual, organizational and corporate culture level.

  • Create a safe environment

  • Introduce gender equality and unconscious bias concepts

  • Identify current state of gender equality and unconscious bias

  • Identify, design and test one initiative for early win.

  • Create a gender equal program plan prioritized by largest opportunities for impact with quantitative milestones

  • Measure, measure, measure


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